Home inspections are one of the most important pieces in a real estate transaction. An inspection alerts both the buyer and seller to possible issues, allowing both parties to make a decision that best suits their situation. The average home buyer spends approximately 15 minutes in the home prior to closing. This is not enough time to carefully evaluate all of the systems in a home and look for structural defects.
It is important to make sure that the inspector is licensed or has the proper credentials. This is one time when hiring a friend or relative to save money is not always the best idea. A reputable inspector will have a checklist that they use when examining the home. It is always a good idea to ask to see the checklist to make sure that all areas are being inspected. A thorough inspector will always examine all of the mechanical components of a home. That includes the heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical systems. They will also examine all of the structural components including the roof, attic, visible insulation, windows, walls, floors and the foundation. Home inspections are not a quick process. In fact a good inspector will take quite a bit of time, often making the proper notes and taking pictures as they go.
While it is common for buyers to request an inspection, more and more sellers are using inspections as well. Having an inspection prior to placing a house on the market has several advantages. It alerts the homeowners to any potential issues, giving the owners time to correct the problems prior to placing the home for sale. Since the goal of an inspection is to know more about the condition of the home that you are buying, buyers find it very attractive when sellers have a current inspection ready for examination. In some cases, it may even make buyers more eager to place an offer.
Regardless of what side of the transaction you are on, inspections are a valuable tool in the real estate market.