The KC Zoo is the winner from yesterday! The voters in Jackson & Clay counties were out to support our Kansas City Zoo! A 1/8 cent sales tax was passed to support the zoo. This will be the first ever for the zoo to have a steady stream of income! This will continue to help expand our facilities & exhibits. As an example in 2004, the voters passed a bond issue to bring pack the polar bears! They did!! Look at the cool exhibit there that is now open year round with outdoor and indoor facilities for the polar bears. There is a 140,000 gallon pool that is climate controlled with multiple viewing angles! Ask any kid who has been there recently – they unanimously agree that the polar bear exhibit is terrific! The talk is now adding penquins back to the zoo with this new passage for income! Look for some great changes in the future to making our zoo a great place to visit!! Plus the Jackson County and Clay county residents now will get a discount tickets to get in to the zoo since they have passed the sale tax.
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