Since the first of the year (2011)appraisals may have wreck havoc on some of the real estate sales nationwide. Prior to this year, many of the appraisers used to be able to use 3 home sales within the last 90 days to compare the property. Now it seems many of the lenders/underwriters can and potentially ask […]
Archives: November 2011
Trash has become big business
As many have heard from the media today, Johnson County has now changed the rules for trash pickup beginning Jan 1,2012. Many are calling the Johnson County Government to find out more about the upcoming changes. Are you aware of the changes? Do you know how this might affect your trash bill? Personally we have been recycling for years! […]
Winterize your home
Winter weather can cause expensive damage to your home. Frozen pipes, cracked gutters, leaky roofs and clogged furnace filters are just a few of the problems that can arise in the winter months. The good news: by planning ahead and following nine basic steps to winterize, you can avoid these and other problems, not to […]
KC Zoo Wins
The KC Zoo is the winner from yesterday! The voters in Jackson & Clay counties were out to support our Kansas City Zoo! A 1/8 cent sales tax was passed to support the zoo. This will be the first ever for the zoo to have a steady stream of income! This will continue to help expand our […]
Wonderscope Children’s Museum of Kansas City
Kansas City’s children and visiting youngsters are blessed to have the wonderful world of Wonderscope, a place where learning and fun are synonymous. Since its founding in 1989, Wonderscope Children’s Museum has been more than living up to its mission of sparking a lifelong love of learning through the power of play. Each of the several […]